Friday, October 06, 2006

Things that are finally here

Fall... It finally arrived... the leaves are coming down, the temps are colder, I am ready for winter squash and soup, soup, soup and soup.

UVA finally won a football game last week.. I was very happy especially since my car is like a walking advertisement....

I have started exercising [weights and cardio] and am hopeful of getting back in shape.... I have a great personal trainer at Golds Gym.

I am finally getting to work on Christmas gifts... I plan sweaters for my son, socks for friends, a couple scarves, a couple hats and am trying to come up with ia few more ideas.... I will post pictures as I get them finished.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

What I like to knit

I belong to several knitting groups on line. Some are better than others. A few months ago I posted to one of the groups a prayer need for a friend with cancer. One member suggested making a blanket and several other liked the idea and said they would help. Now it has been 4 months and I have only 5 blocks from them... I have had to knit 30 blocks on my own, inbetween other projects. I need 3 more to complete the blanket/afghan. What did I learn... Many people have good intentions, but fail to act on them.

Here is a picture of what I have done so far..

What I really enjoy is to knit baby items and socks. I just finished a bunch of small infant and premie hats for a charity. here it the picture.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

If you don't like BUSH you will like this

I recently took this picture and thought I would share it... It has nothing to do with knitting... But is definitely a conversation maker

Where I enjoy knitting

I have been knitting more than posting recently... But I decided tonite to at least post where I enjoy doing most of my knitting.... Here is a picture.

I have been knitting here at lunch on about 1 to 2 days a week for several years. This is an older cemetery in Salem, Virginia. It is quiet, no one bothers me... HA HA and I can really get some knitting done as well as escape my work for a while. I have been doing Genealogical research for 27 years, so cemeteries are very comforting to me. This is in fact the only time I can even half way combine my two favorite interests.

When I tell people I do this they give me some really weird looks... I knit in public a great deal and often get comments... In fact all of my doctors and even my son's doctors know to expect knitting when I visit. But NO ONE in my acquaintance has not been surprised about this knitting place.
I hope to take some pictures of my most recent "WAHOO" creation. And share soon...

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Winter in Virginia... NOTTTTTT

Well it is supposed to be winter here in Virginia, but it does not seem like we will be seeing it. I am raring to make a knitted headband of orange and blue... but don't even know if I will get to wear it since the temperatures seem to keep hovering above 50 or better most of the time.

Somehow I can't seem to stay away from orange or blue yarns... I have so many variations in my stash... As soon as I get one of the items done I will post a picture.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

My first Post

Today I decided to start a Blog. I don't have that many friends who knit and sometimes just need to get my thoughts out.

My birthday is in one week. This year my husband decided to take me to a yarn store I found a few weeks ago and let me get whatever I wanted. The store is in Bedford Virginia and is worth the Trip. Yarn Theory has one of the nicest owner and she is so helpful. Anyway I had a blast, getting sock yarn, Flax for a sweater for me and some of my favorite colors [orange and blue] for a new Wahoo project.

I spin as well and am hoping to dye some yarn blue and orange.. but will have to wait a while as I have many UFO's awaiting completion......

I did just finish a prayer shawl from the PRAYERSHAWL MINISTRY and gave it to an acquaintance who has breast cancer. I don't know how many of these shawls I will eventually make, but it was so nice to be able to do this for her and felt great to be able to tell her I had prayed for her as I knit the shawl.